Inés Hermida is an entrepreneur and founder of Macacha, the first UK plant protein startup. Formerly the Head of Health and Beauty at Whole Foods UK she is an advocate of a plant based lifestyle , renewable ingredients and all things regenerative
What should we expect from the articles and reviews?
My ambition of the blog is to bring facts and truths about products the industry I love in a way that is positive. I’d like to share my learnings in an unfiltered way and to keep growing the understanding of topics that are changing constantly.
What was your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur?
By far the hardest thing was to get funding. You need money to get a project off the ground. Otherwise is trying to build a mountain with a spoon, cheap capital gives you a forklift truck. All startups need to pivot , if you don’t have sufficient cash you won’t be able to pivot , unless you take the cash out of your working capital , which puts the life of the business at risk. When I studied for my MBA at London Business School the emphasis was on big business. Funding a startup is something that you learn while doing it, pitching and getting feedback from investors.
Best tip you’ve ever given as an entrepreneur?
By far the best tips have been from other founders! Because we tell each other the naked truth as we know how tough it can get. Margo the founder of The Organic Pharmacy told me to concentrate on our products and not to get distracted by the competition as it can take away focus. So wise, so true.
What inspired you to write this blog?
I had an amazing enjoyable career at Whole Foods as Head of Health and Beauty UK, after which I set up an entrepreneur and launched a plant protein startup. Building a startup from scratch and managing a brand added a whole new dimension to how I see products and business, I learned about how products are made, supply chain, sourcing and how media works to promote products.
Why now?
The lockdown slowdown gave me the head space to think about it. After closing down my startup I had a few months to catch my breath, reflect and and process events in my life. I want to share the learnings of my career in the health food and natural beauty. It’s what I love and it’s my way to reconnect .
Why the Natural Optimist?
Because change is possible! I saw a huge change in consumer behaviour during my time at Whole Foods and recently more change around certain topics like plastics and the environment.
Optimism has been a defining trait of my character, and the internal light that keeps me motivated and happy. My score on The Critical Thinking index and other psychometric tools is off the chart! I’m properly certified in that respect :)
Where are you based?
I live in London, but I grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My grandparents were from Italy and Spain, which is very common in Buenos Aires. Now my family lives in Barcelona, I love the city and the growing health scene there.